Setup is as follows:
- Arduino --> Android:
Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor is hooked up to Arduino with code providing logic for MotionBegan and MotionEnded events. These events are forwarded to an Android device and trigger a background color change for a view area to cyan upon MotionBegan and and black upon MotionEnded. - Android --> Arduino:
ON / OFF button in Android app triggers event passed to Arduino that toggles the state of a red LED.
Code for the inter-device communication was made possible by a slightly modified version of the awesome Amarino library by Bonifaz Kaufmann. Most of the PIR logic code was drawn from the example here. The complete source for this and our other projects is located at our GitHub repo.
Coming soon: GroundStation Computer <--> Android <--> Arduino
After weeks of nothing on the blog amazing post Paul!